Sunday, November 8, 2009

Here's What I did Today

No, I didn't create a new Galaxie; I just modified this one a bit.
A month or so ago I cleared a lot of brush- mostly wild grape, honeysuckle and kudzu- and today I...


The picture is the final coals as we let the fire burn out a few minutes ago. Yeah, I know I crab about my iphone some, but I did take this picture with it earlier tonight. Criminetly, its only 7:30 and dark as the inside of Jonah's whale already. I hate the time change.

Hell, it is the 8th of freaking November and it was 70 degrees today. If this is global warming, BRING IT ON!!!!

So hopefully, my small contribution of carbon today will allow us to remain this warm until December.

If the temps do stay this warm you can thank me later.

With small, unmarked bills.

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