Yesterday the House passed the Cap and Trade legislation, by a very narrow margin. You know -the new law that will double energy costs.
What’s that you say? You weren’t aware it was even voted on, much less the effect it will have on the cost of energy?
Well, I’m not surprised. What with the other important news the networks needed to cover, like the massacre in Iran.
Sorry, what’s that? You haven’t heard about the massacre either?
Well I guess the newscast was just too full of real important stuff, like…
Yeah; that’s it- the death of some pop singer out in LA whose career was over years ago. That guy; Ole-whatsis-name.
Can somebody explain to me why this one death, out of the millions worldwide in that same 24 hour period was so news worthy that it lead each newscast for over 24 hours?
President Bush could have dropped dead and the coverage of his state funeral would have page 3 stuff. Over the fold maybe, but still 3rd page.
This has-been in LA has a heart attack and everything else, news wise, stops.
Where is the press that is the famed Fourth Branch of government? The watchdog of the people?
I’ll tell you where it is- in the pocket of the Democratic Political Machine. We don’t have a watch dog; we have a lap dog.
I need some bourbon, before Obamacare forces me to have a license to buy some.
1 hour ago
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