Thursday, December 24, 2020 

It’s Christmas again.

But its Christmas, 2020.

That means the breaking of either government ‘directives’ or long standing traditions. Which will it be?

Midnight Mass is out in most places; can’t have too many people in one place. The Christmas Pageant is gone too- not allowed to be that close and sing.

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house? Nope, nope and nope. Going over the river means traveling, and we can’t do that. Can’t go to a gathering; especially at Grandmother’s house! Just walking in the door might kill her with the Covid.

Well, maybe I can go see my grandkids? Nope! Can’t have households mixing.

Exchanging gifts? Nope! Not unless they are washable (got to disinfect them, don’t ya know), and we need to find a neutral place to leave them. Can’t meet up and violate ‘directives’.

And of course don’t even THINK about hanging the mistletoe. Even if your married. One of you COULD be sick with a virus that has no symptoms but is still contagious.

About all I can do is sit in my living room and watch an old Christmas movie and drink. Provided I used a mask when I got my liquor.

The question is how long will we consider these intrusions ‘normal’? I never have.


I have absolutely no issue with anyone taking any precaution they deem required to protect their health. Masking, distancing, vaccines; it’s their health to manage as they see fit.

Just as it’s mine to manage as I see fit. And me managing my health does not include any of the above.

Just when will I be able to manage my own health and life? When will I be able to celebrate Christmas in the normal way?

It sure won’t be in 2020.


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